Objective To understand the epidemic and control situation of human plague in Qinghai Province, to summarize experience and to provide a basis for formulating prevention and control measures for "the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan". Methods Disposal information on epidemic situation of human plague in Qinghai Province from 2004 to 2015 was collected; fatality rate and incidence trend of human plague were analyzed; way of infection, the laboratory test results, the spreading of epidemic situation and occupational distribution of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results There were 10 human plague epidemics and 34 cases in Qinghai Province from 2004 to 2015, and 14 eases died; the case fatality rate was 41.18%. Of the 34 cases of plague patients, 21 cases were primary pneumonic plague, 4 cases were primary pneumonic plague developed into septicemia and 4 cases were bubonic plague developed into septicemic plague, 1 case was primary septicemic plague developed into pneumonie plague, 2 cases was bubonic plague, 1 case was bubonic plague and plague cellulitis, 1 case was bubonic plague developed into septicemic plague and pneumonic plague. In the 10 outbreaks, seven initial cases were reported after death. The epidemic occurred from June to November, peaked in September and October. Active contact with the Marmot was still the main way of infection, accounted for 70% (7/10). The infected shepherd became the source of human pneumonie plague outbreaks. Conclusions Human plague in Qinghai Province has an obvious animal plague precursor. Village doctors should play more important roles in control of the plague. Education and management of migrant workers should be strengthened. All kinds of emergency measures should be readily available.
Chinese Journal of Endemiology
Human plague
Epidemic situation
Data collection