
水资源权属管理改革形势下水权确权登记制度研究 被引量:16

Research on water rights registration system under the water rights administration reform
摘要 水资源作为一种公共资源,由于其产权制度的不明晰,导致水资源的利用效率低下,污染和浪费现象严重,水环境形势严峻,水资源权属管理制度亟需改革。水资源权属管理应该重点关注水资源的使用权,包括取水权、农村集体经济组织水使用权、少量用水权和应急用水权。水资源确权登记是水资源权属管理改革中的基础和根本环节。文章通过演化博弈模型构建用水户之间的复制动态和进化稳定策略,论证建立水资源确权登记制度的理论支撑,结果表明一个区域内取水量越小,采取超额取水策略的用水户比例越大,当采取超额取水策略的用水户比例较高时,区域内各个用水户的期望收益和整体期望收益都较低,极易造成水资源使用过程中的用水矛盾冲突,而用水户采取限额取水策略能够增加总体的期望收益。本文明确了水资源产权确权与登记制度的主要含义,重点研究了水资源确权登记的范围包括取水权和农村集体经济组织水使用权,并在此基础上明确了取水权和用水权的确权主体和确权内容、水权确权登记的机关、确权和登记的具体程序,提出水资源确权在整个确权登记过程处于主导地位,而登记是取水权交易的前提条件,在此基础上提出对当前取水许可制度进行改革,按照产权制度的要求,强化水权的权属管理和水权的法律保护。据此,本文提出中央机构应与地方政府相互配合,明确分工,密切结合实际,做好水资源确权登记工作,改善水资源权属管理混乱的现状,加快水资源权属管理改革。 Water resources is a kind of public resources. Because of its unclear property rights system, the utilization efficiency of water resources is low, pollution and waste are serious problems, water environment situation is grim, and the water fights administration system needs reform. Water rights administration should focus on the water resources use right, including water intake fights, water use rights of rural collective economic organizations, a small amount of water use rights and emergency use of water fights. The registration of water rights is the basis and the key link in the water rights administration reform. Based on evolutionary game model to build replicator dynamics and evolutionary stable strategy between water users, it demonstrates the theoretical support of establishing water fights registration system. The result shows that the quantity of water intake in one area is smaller, and the proportion of taking the excess water strategy is greater. When the proportion of water users taking the excess water strategy is high, the expected return of each user in one area and the overall expected return are low, and it is extremely easy to create conflicts during the process of using water, water users in an area can increase the overall expected return by taking the limit water strategy. This paper clarifies the main meaning of water fights registration system, focuses on the study of the right scope of water rights registration, including water intake rights, water use fights of rural collective economic organizations. On the basis of this, it determines the subject and content of water rights, the registration authority,procedure and the legal effect, puts forward that the ownership in the entire ownership registration process is in the leading position, and the registration is the precondition of water fights transaction; then reform water permit system, and according to the requirements of the property rights system, strengthen the management and legal protection of water rights. Accordingly, this paper proposes that the central institution should cooperate with the local government, clarify labor division, closely combine with the local condition and improve the water rights registration, change the chaos status of water fights management and accelerate the reform of water rights administration.
机构地区 河海大学商学院
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期90-97,共8页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"基于粮食安全的虚拟水贸易对气候变化动态响应与调整"(批准号:41471456) 国家自然科学基金青年项目"应对极端灾害的虚拟水期权契约设计研究"(批准号:41301630) 国家自然科学基金项目"虚拟水贸易视角下区域农业水土资源耦合模型研究"(批准号:51279058)
关键词 水资源 产权制度 水权 确权登记 演化博弈 water resources property rights system water rights registration evolutionary game
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