

The Given Status and Identity Choosing:Study on Identity of “Caizideyu” living in the Drainage Basin of Longwugequ
摘要 "蔡孜德裕(khre tse sde bzhi四寨子)"是热贡藏区的一个边缘群体,被当地藏人称之为"铎日铎(dor do)"或"霍日(hor)"。"蔡孜德裕"人除讲藏语外,对内还讲两种不同语系的语言,其中三个村庄讲的是阿尔泰语系蒙古语族的语言,桑格雄(吾屯)讲的是一种汉藏混合的语言,操双语者。民族识别时把来源不一、语言相异的"蔡孜德裕(四个寨子)"统一认定为"土族"。问题也随着而来,很多人并不认同这样一种被赋予的身份,从而出现了一系列身份诉求与历史、文化重构现象。本文采用人类学的理论与方法,在系统、全面梳理"蔡孜德裕"的民族识别过程的基础上,结合个人访谈,对其身份的选择与认同过程作一纵向描述与分析,为汉藏边界族群认同研究提供一个田野个案。 "Caizideyu"(khre tse sde bzhi) is a marginal population,is called "dor do" or "hor " by local Tibetan.The people not only speak Tibetan but also speak two languages of different language family at home,among them,three Dewa villages speak a kind of Mongolian group language,Sanggexiong speaks a Tibetan and Han mixed language,they are bilinguals.They were identified as Tu in the ethnic identification.The problem appeared then,many of them didn't agree with that,a series of identity appeals and culture reconstruction turned up.Took anthropological theory and methods,this paper carefully analyzed the identification based on comprehensive field investigation through the methods of interview and questionnaire,and made tentative explore on the Han and Tibetan boundary research.
作者 周毛先
机构地区 西北民族大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期73-77,共5页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 2016年度中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目<霍尔人的格萨尔信仰与认同变迁研究>(31920160017) 西北民族大学引进人才科研项目资助<多元文化视野下的生存策略与文化调适研究:以土族格萨尔信仰为例>(xbmuyjrcs201615)之阶段性成果之一
关键词 身份 认同 四寨子 蔡孜德裕 Identity Approve khre tse sde bzhi Caizideyu
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