选择屏山炒青、霍山黄芽、黄山毛峰、龙井4种非发酵茶和祁门红茶、普洱茶2种发酵茶,分别按1%和2%添加量加入斑点叉尾鮰(Ietalurus punetaus)基础饲料中,进行为期8周的养殖试验。试验结束后,每箱随机捞取7尾试验鱼,测定各组鱼体肝脏组织的谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性;然后降低水位,对每箱剩余的23尾试验鱼进行3d的拥挤胁迫,再每箱随机捞取7尾测定肝脏组织的3项指标。结果显示:龙井(1%、2%组)在胁迫前可显著提高GSH含量,霍山黄芽(1%、2%组)和祁门红茶(1%组)在胁迫后提高GSH含量的作用更为显著;胁迫前,所有茶叶都不能提高GSH-Px活力;胁迫后,1%屏山炒青、霍山黄芽、祁门红茶组和2%霍山黄芽、龙井组可使GSH-Px活力显著高于对照组;龙井(1%组)在胁迫前能够显著提高GR活力;胁迫后,多数1%组能显著提高GR活力,2%组中,霍山黄芽和龙井组显著高于对照组。结果表明:茶叶可提高GSH含量以及GSH-Px与GR活性,这种提高主要是在胁迫后体现出来,其中霍山黄芽、龙井和祁门红茶的效果更为明显;2种添加量中,1%添加量效果更为明显。
In order to investigate the effect of four kinds of Chinese green tea dregs and two black tea dregs on the hepatic glutathione antioxidant of channel catfish(Ietalurus Punetaus)liver,8-week growth trial was conducted and each tea had 2different additive contents(1%and 2%).Four kinds of green tea were Pingshan Chaoqing,Huoshan Huangya,Huangshan Maofeng,Longjing tea(unfermented tea),and two black teas were Pu'erh tea and Qimen's black tea(fermented tea).After growth trial,7experimental fishes was each aquarium were fished for measuring the content of glutathione(GSH),the activity of glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px)and glutathione reductase(GR)was the liver.Then the water level was lowered,a 3-day congestion challenge trial was carried out for the rest of the fishes was each aquarium,and 7fishes were fished was each aquarium to measure the 3indicators.The results showed that Longjing(1%,2% groups)could significantly increase the GSH concent before the stress,and Huoshan Huangya(1%,2% groups)and Qimen's black tea(1%group)could improve the content of GSH significantly after the stress.Before the stress,all 6kinds of teas could not increase the GSH-Px activity was the liver.But Pingshan Chaoqing(1% group),Huoshan Huangya(1%,2% groups),Longjing Tea(2% group)and Qimen's Black Tea(1% group)could significantly improve the activity of GSH-Px after the stress.For the GR activity,Longjing Tea(1% group)could increase it significantly before the stress,and the majority of the 1% groups could significantly increase it after the stress.In 2% groups,the GR activity of Huoshan Huangya and Longjing Tea was significantly higher than that of the control group.The results indicated that tea could improve the antioxidant capacity of the channel catfish hepatic glutathione antioxidant system,and the effects reflected mainly after stress.Huoshan Huangya,Longjing Tea and Qimen's Black Tea had more obvious effects was all 6kinds of teas,and the lower dosage(1%)had more obvious effect.