1951年,著名的荷兰外交家与汉学家高罗佩(Robert Hans van Gulik)在东京以亲笔书写与限量印刷的方式,发表了其汉学名著——《秘戏图考》(EROTIC COLOUR PRINTS OF THE MING PERIOD,with an Essay on the Chinese Sex Life from the Han to the Ch'ing Dynasty,B.C.206-A.D.1644),这部书是中国古代性文化史研究领域的开山之作,问世后备受瞩目.
The EROTIC COLOUR PRINTS OF THE MING PERIOD,with an Essay on the Chinese Sex Life from the Han to the Ch'ing Dynasty,B. C. 206- A. D. 1644 released in 1951 by Robert Hans van Gulik,is the groundbreaking research in Ancient Chinese Sexual Culture History. In 2004,Koninklijke Brill NV' s company issued the typography version of the article with three new prefaces: James Cahill' s INTRODUCTION TO R. H. VAN GULIK,EROCTIC COLOUR PRINTS OF THE LATE MING PERIOD,J. S. Edgren' s A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE ON VAN GULIK' S ALBUMS OF EROCTIC COLOUR PRINTS > from J. S. Edgren, and Wilt L. Idema ' s 'BLAS? LITERATI ': Lü T' IEN- CH' ENG AND THE LIFESTYLE OF THE CHIANG- NAN ELITE IN THE FI-NAL DECADES OF THE WAN- LI PERIOD. James Cahill evaluated strictly about the EROTIC COLOUR PRINTS OF THE MING PERIOD from the view of the production of Chinese Prints,and with the large possibility that may come from Robert Hans van Gulik' s imagination,there is 'serious uncertainties surround two of the albums as reliable works of the late Ming period'. His conclusion is highly subjective. J. S. Edgren preliminary identified the producer and generation from using album sample in the perspective of collections and catalog research. Wilt L. Idema discussed the motivation of the album from view of sex and nudity,then 'implant'his thesis of discussion about the creation of late Ming novelist,dramatist Lü T' ien- ch' eng and other scholars. The thesis has some academic value but relevance from Robert Hans van Gulik' s work is limited.
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