Wang Guowei is one of the famous Chinese scholars in modern times, also known as the masterof Chinese culture. Modern scholars commonly use “Dong Xue” to refer to “thoughts and studies inJapan”. Since Wang Guowei’s thought on “Guo Xue” has profound academic origin with Japanese studies,this article namely analyzes the relationship between “Dong Xue” and “Guo Xue”. First of all, WangGuowei learns more about the western modern thoughts in Japan. Influenced by the Meiji thoughts? hebecame the first one to introduce philosophy of Kant and Schopenhauer into China. Although he knewmore or less western modern thoughts directly in English, his in-depth understanding of western modernthoughts mainly relied on reading translation works that were written in Japanese. After the absorption ofwestern modern thoughts and Meiji thoughts? he reflected and developed “Guo Xue” in modern China.Secondly, Wang Guowei? s thought on aGuo Xuew in the modern sense has been affected by Japanesethought. Wang Guowei started to study traditional Chinese learning in an early time? but his thought on“Guo Xue” in the modern sense is the product that especially blends traditional Chinese culture withmodern Japanese thoughts. Wang Guowei advocated inherent culture to dominate as modern Japanesescholars did, but he didn?t show any repulsive attitude towards foreign cultures. Finally, Wang Guoweikeeps academic exchanges and interactions with Japanese scholars. His idea of “Guo Xue” involves a widerange of research, so he has quite deep communication with Japanese scholars such as Naito Torajiro?Toyohati Fujita? Kano Naoki and Kanda Kiichiro.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
Wang Guowei
Guo Xue
Dong Xue