
基于“全国高校跨境电商师资培训基地”的高职商务英语师资培训机制研究 被引量:1

On Business English Teachers' Training Mechanism in Higher Vocational College——Based on the National College Cross-border Electronic Business Teachers' Training Center
摘要 全球经济萧条的严峻外贸形势下,跨境电子商务成为新的外贸经营模式。高职商务英语师资队伍建设必须适应新形势的变化。通过分析商务英语师资队伍在教师队伍结构和在职培训机制等方面存在问题,基于"全国高校跨境电商师资培训基地",积极探索和实践具有针对性、实践性、递进性、开放性的高职商务英语师资培训机制研究,为我国外贸经济的发展和转型提供师资支持。 Under the circumstances of global depression, a new model, cross - border electronic business, is hence blooming. As a result, Business English teachers should adapt to the changes. Th rough the analysis of the current problems existing in teaching staff structure and teachers,training mechanism, we explore targeted, practical, progressive and opening features of the Business Engl ish teachers’ training mechanism in higher vocational college, based on the National College Cross - border Electronic Business Teachers’ Training Center, so as to provide teaching support for the transformation and development of the foreign trade economy.
作者 张莉萍
出处 《九江职业技术学院学报》 2016年第4期44-45,60,共3页 Journal of Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College
基金 广州市特色专业学院建设项目"广州跨境电商特色学院"(穗教高教〔2016〕30号)
关键词 高职 商务英语 跨境电商 师资培训机制 Higher Vocational College Business English Cross - border Electronic Business Teachers’ Training Mechanism
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