为明确不同水钾耦合对花生生理性状及生殖生长的影响,以‘花育25’为试验材料,采用水分[土壤含水量为35%(水分胁迫,W1)、50%(轻度水分胁迫,W2)、65%(水分适中,W3)、80%(水分过量,W4)田间持水量]和钾肥[0 g(K2O)·kg^(-1)(土)(缺钾,K0)、0.15 g(K2O)·kg^(-1)(土)(低钾,K1)、0.30 g(K2O)·kg^(-1)(土)(中钾,K2)、0.45 g(K2O)·kg^(-1)(土)(高钾,K3)]2因素4水平随机区组设计,通过遮雨棚盆栽试验探讨不同水钾耦合下花生叶片保护酶活性在结荚期后期的差异,以及生殖生长的差异,为干旱半干旱地区花生的高效水肥管理技术提供一定的理论依据。结果表明,水分对花生叶片相对含水量和叶绿素含量的影响极显著,叶片含水量对叶绿素有明显的稀释作用,随灌水量的增加叶片相对含水量(RWC)和叶绿素含量呈现出相反的变化趋势,两者为极显著负相关。水分和钾肥对超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均存在显著或极显著的正交互效应。3种酶对不同的逆境响应不同,SOD活性在缺钾(K0)或高钾(K3)条件下升高明显,POD酶在水分胁迫(W1)或K3时升高极显著,CAT酶在W1或K0时升高显著。随土壤含水量的升高,叶片CAT活性迅速下降,且与叶绿素含量呈极显著正相关,说明CAT在花生结荚期后期可减缓叶绿素降解,延长叶片功能期。钾肥和灌水对单株开花总量的影响分别达显著和极显著水平,施钾肥能显著推迟始花时间,而减少灌水量能提前终花时间。在中钾(K2)时各水分处理有效花量和有效花率均处于较高水平。在水分适中(W3)时,钾肥对单粒仁重有促进作用,水分轻度胁迫(W2)也有利于单粒仁重的增加。单株荚果数显著增加和双仁果率提高是水分效应增产的重要原因。以中水中钾W3K2处理花期最短(25 d)、有效花率最大,达51.0%,籽仁产量最高。
This study clarified the combined effects of different levels of water and potassium supply on physiological characteristics and reproductive growth of peanut. To that end, a pot experiment was conducted to investigate the differences in leaf enzyme activities at late podding stage and reproductive growth. It was a random block design experiment with two factors and four levels for each factor — W1: 35% field capacity; W2: 50% field capacity; W3: 65% field capacity; W4: 80% field capacity; K0: 0 g(K2O)·kg?1(soil); K1: 0.15 g(K2O)·kg?1(soil); K2: 0.30 g(K2O)·kg?1(soil); K3: 0.45 g(K2O)·kg?1(soil). The tested peanut cultivar was ‘Huayu 25'. The results showed that irrigation had an extremely significant(P 0.01) effect on relative water content(RWC) and chlorophyll content of peanut leaves. Also leaf water had an obvious dilution effect on chlorophyll content. Thus, the RWC increased significantly(P 0.01), while chlorophyll content decreased significantly(P 0.01) with increasing irrigation amount. Moreover, interaction of water and potassium had an extremely positive effect on the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD), peroxidase(POD) and catalase(CAT)(P 0.05 or P 0.01). The three enzymes had different responses to different adverse conditions. SOD activity increased obviously under deficient potassium(K0) or high potassium(K3) conditions. Also POD increased significantly(P 0.01) under water stress(W1) or K3, while CAT increased significantly(P 0.05) in W1 or K0 conditions. With increasing soil water content, CAT activity decreased rapidly to match with the dynamics in chlorophyll content, which two processes had an extremely significant positive correlation(P 0.01). These evidences indicated that CAT was a key element in reducing the degradation of chlorophyll and lengthening the functional period of peanut leaf at late podding stage. The effects of potassium fertilizer and irrigation on total flowering were significant or extremely significant. The application of potassium fertilizer significantly delayed the beginning of flowering, but reduced irrigation amount advanced termination of florescence. Under K2 condition, fertile flower number and flower fertility rate of all the water treatments were relatively high. Under W3 condition, potassium fertilizer had an enhancing-effect on single seed weight, which was also occurred under W2 condition. The significant increase in single pod number and in dual kernel fruit rate enhanced the yield-increase effect of soil moisture. For all the treatments, W3 and K2 had the shortest florescence(25 days), the highest rate of fertile flowers(51%) and seed kernel yield in this experiment.
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Irrigation and potassium coupling effect
Reproductive growth
Antioxidant enzymes activities
Fertile flower