开发了基于联合编译图像处理的方法进行停车位检测,通过软件优化提高其检测速度和精度。针对大量视频流图像处理速度缓慢的现象,提出利用MATLAB和Open CV联合编程的方法,利用摄像头拍摄照片,以获得停车位的占用信息。通过结合检测特定范围占用情况来消除遮挡或障碍对检测的影响,进而提高系统的速度和效率的方法。
This study is devoted to the development of real-time detection system for underground parking lot using image processing technology, aiming to improve the detection speed and accuracy of the system. For the phenomenon of slow speed in processing a large number of video stream images, this paper proposes the use of MATLAB and OpenCV joint programming method, using the camera to take pictures, in order to obtain the parking space occupation information. The method of eliminating the influence of occlusion or obstacle on detection by combining with the detection of specific area occupied is used, and then the speed and efficiency of the system is improved.
Agricultural Equipment & Vehicle Engineering