
重点国有林区森工企业技术效率影响因素研究——基于面板数据模型的分析 被引量:5

Impacting Factors of Technical Efficiency of National Forest Enterprises in Key State-owned Forest District:Based on the Panel Data Model
摘要 基于2003-2014年重点国有林区森工企业面板数据,采用窗口DEA模型测算了在横截面和时间序列上都具可比较性的2种技术效率指数,发现重点国有林区森工企业技术效率偏低,且4家森工集团之间、森工企业之间的技术效率存在明显差异,同时,若仅考虑森工企业的经济产出,其技术效率会被严重低估。进一步对森工企业技术效率影响因素进行分析后发现:1)经营面积越小、在岗职工占比越高、非政府投资越低、第一产业产值占比越低、第三产业产值占比越高、地区人均GDP越低时,森工企业的单属性技术效率指数越高;2)经营面积、非政府投资、第一产出产值占比、第三产业产值占比、地区人均GDP 5个因素对多属性技术效率的影响方向与单属性技术效率一致,但第一产业产值占比与地区人均GDP对多属性技术效率指数的影响不显著;3)在岗职工占比对多属性技术效率指数的影响方向与单属性技术效率指数相反。 Based on the panel data of national forest enterprises in the key state-owned forest district between 2003 and 2014,this paper used DEA model to measure technical efficiency index TE1 and TE2 which both indexes were comparable on the cross section and time series. It turned out that technical efficiency of these national forest enterprises was low. The differences in technical efficiency among four forest industry groups were obvious, and the same to the national forest enterprises. If only considering economic output of national forest enterprises, their technical efficiency would be underestimated. By analyzing influence factors of TE,following conclusions were obtained. 1) With the management area being smaller, the ratio of employment staff being higher, the ratio of the nongovernmental investment being lower, the ratio of the first industry output value being lower,the ratio of the tertiary industry output value being higher,and the per capita GDP being lower,the technical efficiency index TE1 of national forest enterprises was larger. 2) The influence direction which most factors impacted on TE2 was consistent with TEl. The ratio of the first industry output value and the per capita GDP impacted on TE2 was not significant. 3) The influence direction in which the ratio of employment staff impacts on TE2 was just opposite to TE1.
出处 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期308-312,共5页 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
基金 中国林业科学院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CAFYBB2014QA017)
关键词 重点国有林区 森工企业 技术效率 面板数据模型 HAUSMAN检验 key state-owned forest district national forest enterprise technical efficiency the panel data model Hausman test
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