
网络通信节点排队分配策略研究 被引量:2

Research on Queueing Strategy of Network Communication Node
摘要 网络通信节点排队分配策略可以有效的提升网络节点传输效率,缓解网络拥堵。然而,由于网络节点强耦合,信息包规模较大且往往缺乏传输路径的拥堵态势信息。当某个信息包将被传送的下一个节点严重拥堵的时候,传统先进先出策略并非最优选择,往往容易加剧拥堵。为了进一步提升网络传输性能,采用了网络交通信息研究节点排队动态分配策略。对于网络节点中排队的信息包,假若其剩余传输路径中所有节点队列中正在等待的信息包总数越少,上述信息包被分配较高优先级的概率越大。在BA网络中实验证明,相比于传统先进先出的排队策略,在网络拥堵态时,所提动态优先级分配策略可以显著改善传输率、平均传输和等待时间比与系统吞吐量等网络传输性能均有提高。 Queueing strategy of network communication node can effectively improve network performance and alleviate congestion. However, the traditional first-in-first-out strategy generally aggravates congestion without consideration of the transportation situation of the route of an information packet. This paper introduced a dynamic queueing strategy into network traffic model. The dynamic queueing strategy allocated higher priority to a packet with high probability if there are less packets waiting in the left nodes along its path. Compared with the traditional first-in-first- out queueing strategy, in the congestion state, the dynamic queueing strategy can efficiently improve transportation efficiency, such as average travelling time, the ratio of waiting time to travelling time, and the system throughput.
作者 魏钢 赵杰
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期311-315,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61221061) 国家自然科学基金民航联合基金(U1433203 U1533119)
关键词 网络交通信息 排队优先级 拥堵 Network traffic information Priority queue Congestion
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