1. Overview The 2016 International Radiation Symposium, a joint venture between the IRC (International Radiation Commis- sion) and lAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences), took place at the University of Auckland from April 16th to 22nd. The wide scope of atmo-spheric radiation research was apparent, with focuses ranging from the planetary to the particulate, and from the hourly to the millennial.
1. Overview The 2016 International Radiation Symposium, a joint venture between the IRC (International Radiation Commis- sion) and lAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences), took place at the University of Auckland from April 16th to 22nd. The wide scope of atmo-spheric radiation research was apparent, with focuses ranging from the planetary to the particulate, and from the hourly to the millennial.
the Department of Physics of the University of Auckland for their sponsorship