目的 :了解安徽省合肥、阜阳两市中心血站卫生资源配置现状,为优化卫生资源配置提供科学依据。方法 :采用自行设计的"采供血机构卫生资源配置情况调查表"对合肥、阜阳中心血站卫生资源配置现状进行调查,对于问卷中未涉及到的相关问题采用现场访谈的形式询问。最后将收集到的数据与全国近五年平均水平进行比较。结果 :合肥、阜阳两市血站卫生技术人员分别占总人数77.94%和71.76%,两市血站在编人员数均不足工作人员的25.00%。合肥血站初级职称卫技人员125人,占总人数的78.62%,没有无技术职称人员,阜阳血站尚有无技术职称人员4名。合肥和阜阳血站业务收入分别占总经费来源的84.52%和96.47%。结论 :合肥、阜阳两市中心血站人力资源配置不尽合理,卫生技术人员数量不足、整体素质不高;政府对无偿献血事业的重视不够、财政投入不足。建议各级政府部门加大对采供血事业的政策和财力支持,全方位、多角度加强无偿献血宣传和招募工作,提高社会公众对无偿献血的认知,探索建立机制新、活力足、科学、规范的人力资源管理机制,以确保为社会提供充足安全的血液和服务。
Objective :To understand the blood centers' health resource allocation in Hefei and Fuyang in Anhui Province and provide reference for optimizing the allocation. Methods :Self-designed questionnaire on health resource allocation of blood transfusion services was used to study relevant health resource allocation in Hefei and Fuyang. On-site interviews were conducted for questions not mentioned in questionnaire. Finally,data were compared with that of last five years' national average. Results :The total number of health technical staffs in Hefei and Fuyang accounted for 77.94% and 71.76% among all staff,respectively. Permanent staff in two cities accounted for less than 25.00% of all staff. Hefei Blood Center had 125 health technical staffs with primary professional title,accounting for 78.62% of all staff. However,there were four health staff without professional title in the center. Business income of blood centers in these cities accounted for 84.52% and 96.47% among the total financial resources,respectively. Conclusion :The human resource allocation in Hefei and Fuyang Blood Center were unreasonable. There was short of health technical personnel. The whole professional quality was relatively low. Government didn't pay enough attention to voluntary blood donation. Government financial input was insufficient. It is recommended that all levels of government increase policy and financial supports for the cause of blood collection,strengthen multi-level publicity and recruitment of voluntary blood donation in all directions,raise public awareness on blood donation,and explore the establishment of new,vital,scientific and standardized human resource management mechanism to ensure adequate and safe blood and social services.
Chinese Health Resources
Anhui Province
blood center
resource allocation