
民族文化旅游发展对村寨的影响研究——以景宁大均村和泉坑村为例 被引量:1

The Impacts of Ethnic Cultural Tourism Development on Villages:The Cases of Dajun and Quankeng Village in Jingning County
摘要 旅游发展会对村落的经济、社会环境和文化变迁产生一系列影响。以景宁"中国畲乡之窗"景区内的大均村和泉坑村为例,通过问卷调查和访谈相结合,分析旅游对两个村寨产生的影响。结果表明:两个村村民对旅游都有较高的支持度;旅游业发展普遍提高了大家对畲族文化的认知度和保护意识,但民族成分差异导致两村村民的认知度和保护意识存在一定差距;畲族文化变迁的大小及村民对畲族文化的了解度与该文化在旅游中被开发利用程度呈正相关;政府是影响畲族文化变迁的最大因素。 Tourism development will have a series of impacts on the economic and social environment as well as cultural transitions of villages. This paper focuses on Dajun and Quankeng village both located in the scenic region called Townships and Villages of She Ethnic Group, analyzing the impacts of tourism development on these two villages by questionnaires and interviews. The results indicate: the villagers of the two villages show strong support to tourism; tourism development extensively raised their cultural identity and awareness of ethnic culture protection, the a certain gap exists in these respects due to the difference in ethnic composition between them; the degree of cultural transition is positively correlated with the degree of villagers' knowledge of their ethnic culture as well as the degree of the exploitation of the ethnic significant affecting the transition of the culture.
作者 邱云美
机构地区 丽水学院商学院
出处 《丽水学院学报》 2016年第6期22-29,共8页 Journal of Lishui University
基金 国家社科基金"旅游发展与畲族村落文化变迁及保护研究"(12BMZ054) 教育部人文社科规划项目"旅游影响下浙西南畲族文化变迁研究"(12YJAZH104) 浙江省中青年学科带头人学术攀登项目"基于‘内生式发展’的畲族村落旅游发展与文化传承研究"(pd2013466)
关键词 民族文化旅游 村寨 影响 ethnic cultural tourism village impact culture in tourism development the government is the most
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