

Design of DC-DC Converter for Automobile On-board Charger Based on A New Topology
摘要 分析不同拓扑结构的直流变换器(DC-DC变换器)优缺点,提出将混合开关型移相全桥拓扑作为车载充电机用DC-DC变换器的主电路拓扑结构。针对车载充电机DC-DC变换器要求对主电路进行特性分析,对主电路参数进行设计与计算,分析效率优化条件。制作一台3k W车载充电机用DC-DC变换器样机,样机输出电压范围280樼360V,输出电压纹波在2%以内,电感电流脉动小于1A,输出电流纹波小于5%,半载效率达91%,满载效率达93%。 This paper analyzes advantages and disadvantages of different topologies, and then select hybrid switch phased-shifted full bridge as the main circuit of DC-DC converter for automobile on-board charger. Based on the requirements of DC-DC converter for automobile on-board charger, this paper summarized the characteristics of the main circuit, designed the main parameters and analyzed the conditions for efficiency optimization. Finally, a sample of DC-DC converter for automobile on-board charger is made to verity feasibility of the design by performance test, function test and efficiency analysis.
作者 蒋晶 高峰
出处 《机电一体化》 2016年第10期48-53,67,共7页 Mechatronics
关键词 混合开关型移相全桥 车载充电机 直流变换器 hybrid switch phased-shifted full bridge automobile on-board charger DC-DC converter
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