Introduction In this section, we list coupling-strength and mass limits for light neutral scalar or pseudoscalar bosons that couple weakly to normal matter and radiation. Such bosons may arise from a global spontaneously broken U(1) symmetry, resulting in a massless Nambu-Goldstone (NG) boson. If there is a small explicit symmetry breaking, either already in the Lagrangian or due to quantum effects such as anomalies, the boson acquires a mass and is called a pseudo-NG boson. Typical examples are axions (A^0) [1,2], familons [3] and Majorons [4], associated, respectively, with a spontaneously broken Peccei-Quinn, family and lepton-number symmetry.
Introduction In this section, we list coupling-strength and mass limits for light neutral scalar or pseudoscalar bosons that couple weakly to normal matter and radiation. Such bosons may arise from a global spontaneously broken U(1) symmetry, resulting in a massless Nambu-Goldstone (NG) boson. If there is a small explicit symmetry breaking, either already in the Lagrangian or due to quantum effects such as anomalies, the boson acquires a mass and is called a pseudo-NG boson. Typical examples are axions (A^0) [1,2], familons [3] and Majorons [4], associated, respectively, with a spontaneously broken Peccei-Quinn, family and lepton-number symmetry.