

Research on the of Scheme of Link Optimization for High-Speed Coherent Optical Transmission Systems
摘要 针对高速相干光传输系统的链路优化配置问题,提出了基于逐次优化思想的链路EDFA(掺铒光纤放大器)增益配置方案,以优化不规则链路配置条件下的系统性能和调节代价。优化目标是在系统性能达到要求或接近最优的同时,尽量降低链路中所需调节的EDFA个数,以尽可能减少或避免由于链路功率调节所引入的调节时延、瞬态效应及代价。仿真结果表明,采用该方案可实现在系统性能接近最优的同时,将链路所需调节的EDFA个数从8个减少到4个,从而有效降低了最优化方案中由于过多的EDFA调节所引入的调节代价。 Targeting on the link optimization configuration problem for high-speed coherent optical transmission systems, a successive optimization principle based link EDFA gain configuration scheme is proposedto optimize the system performance improvement and tuning cost in irregular link configurations. The optimization object is to reduce the number of adjusted EDFAs in the transmission link when the optimal performance is achieved. Such scheme aims to reduce or even avoid the delay, transient and costs induced by the link power adjustment. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the number of adjusted EDFAs from 8 to 4, when the system performance is still close to the optimum value. Thus this scheme effectively reduces the tuning cost caused by frequently adjusting the EDFA gain in the optimal configuration scheme.
作者 李雄 刘博 黎偲 胡荣 LI Xiong LIU Bo LI Cai HU Rong(Information and Communication Company, State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, Zhengzhou 450018, China Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications, Wuhan 430074, China)
出处 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2016年第3期7-9,18,共4页 Study on Optical Communications
关键词 相干光传输 传输性能优化 链路调节 coherent optical transmission transmission performance optimization link adjustment
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