
伟大的长征与长征精神——纪念红军长征胜利会师80周年 被引量:1

Great Long March and the Spirit of the Long March——Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the First, Second and Fourth Front Armies' Success in Joining Forces
摘要 中国工农红军主体的长征是"3+1"的长征,即红一(中央红军)、二(最初称红二、六军团)、四方面军的长征,再加红二十五军的长征。红军长征全过程应包括长征序曲、主体、尾声。对红军为什么长征,要将进行战略转移的原因同作出战略转移的决策加以区别。红军长征出发地不是一个,而是多元的。长征目的地尽管最初有明确目标,但后来是不断变化的。红军长征的基本内涵,一是革命与反革命两种力量、光明与黑暗两种命运的大搏斗;二是中国共产党内部的指导思想和政治路线的尖锐斗争;三是极端恶劣的自然环境严酷考验红军。湘江之战和遵义会议、张国焘的"九九电报"即"密电"、西路军血战河西走廊是红军长征史上最重要的事件和问题。万古长存的红军长征精神是中国共产党的先进性之魂,将激励全党全国人民为建设中国特色社会主义事业,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦继续前行。 The Chinese Workers and Peasants' Red Army during the Long March included the First Front Army (Central Red Army), the Second Front Army (originally known as the Second and siXth Red Army), the Fourth Front Army and the Twenty-fifth Red Army. The great course of the Long March consisted of its prelude, major part and epilogue. To account for why the Red Army embarked the Long March, we should firstly draw a distinction between the cause to this strategic retreat and strategies adopted in the Long March. The Red Army embarked from different placesand changed the original destination according to different situations during the Long March. The spirit of the Long March embodied the struggle between revolutionary and counter-revolutionary forces, between two destinies of China. It was also the struggle between the Party's guiding thoughts and political line, and the struggle with extremely harsh environment. The Xiangjiang Battle, Zunyi Meetig, the "Double Nine Telegraph" sent by Zhang Guotao and the bloody battle of Hexi Corrido became critical issues in the history of the Long March. The ever-lasting spirit of the Long March was the source of the pioneering nature of the Party, inspiring the Party and people to strive for the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and the rejuvenation of Chinese nation.
作者 石仲泉 SHI Zhong-quan(Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee, Beijing 100080, China)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2016年第5期48-59,共12页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 红军长征 “3+1”的长征 湘江之战 遵义会议 “九九电报” 西路军 长征精神 Long March undertaken by the Red Army the "3+1" Long March Xiangjiang Battle Zunyi Meeting "Double Nine Telegraph" The West Road Army the spirit of the Long March
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