
佛罗里达诉J.L.案——美国警察即时强制盘查的典型案例 被引量:1

U.S. Cases Florida v. J.L on Stop and Frisk of Police
摘要 警察实施盘查行为是警察权的主要内容之一,它在发现、预防、制止违法犯罪活动以及查缉犯罪嫌疑人、消除治安危害等方面起着非常重要的作用;但同时,盘查权的行使又与公民的人身自由权、隐私权等基本权利密切相关,行使不当便有可能侵害到公民的合法权益。佛罗里达案(Florida v.J.L.,529 U.S.266)发生在2000年,距特里案已经过去了三十多年,作为人权保护先驱的美国,自然也不能抛弃对人权的基本保护。应该看到,对公权力扩大(美国警察权力)的实际认可必然在一定程度上侵及至少是一部分人的基本权益,但这也仍然只在一定限度内被容忍。从这一角度来看,人权保护并没有被弃之不顾,在佛罗里达案中美国联邦最高法院认为,一个匿名的举报不足以作为警察搜查他人的合法依据,本案也认定了警方滥用权力,不达执法启动标准而实施的强制盘查行为是不正当的。 Stop and frisk is one of the main content of the power of police, which plays a very important role on discovering and preventing illegal or criminal activities, seizing the criminal suspect or eliminating the harm of public security.Nevertheless, stop and frisk is closely related to fundamental rights of citizens, such as the right of personal freedom of citizens and right to privacy. Abuse of the power could violate to the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Florida Case occurred in 2000, which had been over thirty years from Terry Case. As a pioneer in human rights protection, the United States can not abandon the basic protection of human rights. It should be noted that the actual recognition of the expansion of public power must violate at least some of the basic rights and interests of the people to a certain extent. But this is still only within a certain limit to be tolerated. From this point of view, the protection of human rights has not been abandoned. In the case of Florida, the United States Supreme Court held that an anonymous report is not sufficient as a police search of the legitimate basis of others. This case also identified the police abuse of power, and coercive interrogation behavior does not reach the standard and the implementation of the law enforcement start is not justified.
机构地区 烟台大学法学院
出处 《湖北警官学院学报》 2016年第5期73-78,共6页 Journal of Hubei University of Police
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目"关于盘查的美国特里规则研究(15CFXJ21)"阶段性成果 烟台大学2015年学生科技创新项目"美国判例中的警察盘查行为研究"阶段性成果
关键词 警察 盘查行为 美国 判例 合理怀疑 Police Stop and Frisk the United States Cases Reasonable Suspicion
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