

The multi-perspective interpretation on art reception
摘要 学习十八届三中全会《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》和2014年《中央一号文件》得到的启示,并根据1983年10月在访学美国期间调查访问美国家庭农场得到的实际生产、生活经验,提出了"消灭三大差别的农业现代化标准",称之为中国"三农梦",即土地流转、资本下乡、农民"回包",农民既是管理者又是劳动者,消灭体脑差别;粮食安全、规模化经营、机械化作业、社会化服务、农民与工人劳动强度、收入相同,消灭工农差别;以人为核心的城镇化,城乡统筹发展,政府为城乡提供相等的基础公共设施和基本公共服务,消灭城乡差别。这是一个伟大民族复兴的农业之梦,也是农业现代化之梦,与常规的从科学化、机械化和生产力发展,社会化服务体系建立,生产关系改善,高投入高能耗高产出的角度论述现代农业不同,颇有新意,令人耳目一新。开创了从土地生产力、劳动生产率、居民农产品占有率和生态环境美好四方面农业现代化的创新性研究。 Enlightened by "The CPC Central Committee's Decision on Certain Major Issues on Deepening the Reform Comprehensively" made by the CPC 18 the third plenary session and " The No.1 Document of the CPC Central Committee" issued by in 2014, and based on the experience in production and life from the American family farms the author investigated and visited as a visiting scholar in the United States in October 1983, three standards for agricultural modernization are put forward, which are designed to eliminate the Three Big Differences and called the Chinese dream of agriculture, countryside and farmers .According to the three standards, the Chinese dream of agriculture, countryside and farmers will be implemented in the following way: Land circulation will be permitted, capital flow to the countryside and farmers show strong enthusiasms for land contracting once again, which means that farmers will become both laborers and managers and thus the difference between physical labor and mental labor will be eliminated; food security will be secured, agricultural production be conducted on a large scale and agricultural cultivation be mechanized, agricultural service be socialized, which means that farmers will be equal with workers in labor intensity and income and thus the difference between industry and agriculture will be eliminated; and urbanization will be people-oriented, both urban and rural development be planned as a whole and the government provide the same public infrastructure and basic public services for cities and the countryside and thus the difference between cities and the countryside be eliminated. The Chinese dream of agriculture, countryside and farmers is a dream of a great people longing to rejuvenate her agriculture, a dream of agricultural modernization. Unlike the conventional discussion in the perspectives of scientization, mechanization, productivity, the construction of a socialized service system, the improvement of productive relations and high input, high energy consumption and high output as well, the Chinese dream of agriculture, countryside and farmers is an innovative idea, in which modern agriculture is discussed and researched for the first time in the perspectives of land productivity, labor productivity, farmers" share of agricultural products and ecological beauty.
作者 杜鸣銮
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期257-261,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 土地流转 粮食安全 农业可持续发展 城乡统筹发展 消灭三大差别 land circulation food security sustainable agricultural development urban and rural development asa whole elimination of the Three Big Differences
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