
福州自贸区建设发展战略研究 被引量:2

On the Development Strategy of the Fuzhou Pilot Free Trade Zone under the Background of the 21st Century′s Maritime Silk Road
摘要 福建自贸区和21世纪海上丝绸之路战略两项政策的落地,为福州区域经济转型升级带来了前所未有的内生动力和重大契机。如何利用好内外部政策环境,紧抓这一发展机遇成为福州自贸区当前的重要任务。在此背景下,本研究分析了福州在自贸区建设以及打造"21世纪海上丝绸之路"核心区过程中存在的优劣势和发展机遇,并从充分发挥对台优势,创新两岸合作机制;利用港口优势,发挥枢纽作用;强化创新能力,优化产业结构;借力"海上丝绸之路"核心区和"互联网+"战略,打造全方位开放新格局;以打造新区为动力,推动整体经济发展;加快转变发展方式,拓展旅游发展空间六个方面,探索福州依托贸易自由化,推动完善开放型经济新体制的改革创新发展之路。 The implementation of the policy of China(Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the strategy of 21 st Century′s Maritime Silk Road brings unprecedented endogenous dynamic and a great opportunity to the transformation and upgrade of Fuzhou regional economies. Now it becomes an important task for the Fuzhou Pilot Free Trade Zone to make good use of both internal and external policies and seize the opportunity for development. In such a background, the advantages, disadvantages and opportunities which Fuzhou possesses in the construction of the Fuzhou Free Trade Zone and the core area construction of the 21 st Century′s Maritime Silk Road are analyzed. And the way Fuzhou makes use of trade liberalization to promote and complete its new open-economy system is discussed: bringing its superiority of being close to Taiwan into full play to innovate the cross-strait cooperation mechanism, taking the advantage of its port to play its pivotal role, strengthening its ability of innovation to optimize its industrial structure, making use of the strategy of the core area of the 21 st Century′s Maritime Silk Road and the "Internet + " strategy to create a new comprehensive pattern of opening to the outside world, constructing new industrial zones to promote economic development as a whole, and accelerating the transformation of development way to expand the space of tourist industry.
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期268-273,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 福建省教育厅社会科学研究项目(JAS150958)
关键词 21世纪海上丝绸之路 自贸区 区域发展 对台经济 改革创新 21st Century′ s Maritime Silk Road free trade zone regional development Taiwan-oriented economy reform and innovation
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