
间接驱逐与身份改造--大都市郊区农业规模经营的治理逻辑 被引量:10

Indirect Expel and Identity Transformation—— The Logic of Governing Agricultural Scale Management in the Suburb Area of Metropolis
摘要 在大都市城郊的农业生产领域,由于本地农民的退出,异地务农者成为地方农业发展的主力,农业劳动力的"土客替代"现象普遍发生。异地务农者为大都市城郊农业作出贡献的同时,也产生了一系列的治理顽疾。作为回应,地方政府推进农业规模经营,希图以此来化解基层社会的治理困境。文章以上海城郊农业规模经营的实践为例,着重分析粮食生产领域的实质性规模经营,与经济作物种植领域的形式化规模经营,如何分别实现对异地务农者的间接驱逐和身份改造,最终达至地方政府的治理目标。研究发现,大城市郊区农业规模经营已超越纯粹的经济逻辑,隐含着深刻的治理意蕴,这与中西部纯农区的农业规模经营有着本质差异。这种依靠政府过度干预并以社会治理为依归的农业规模经营,在实践中扭曲了资源配置,并暴露出可持续性的危机,因此,其难以成为中国农业未来的发展方向,更不具有推广价值。 In the field of agricultural production in the suburb area of metropolis, there is a prevalent phenomenon: ' set- tlers replace natives' , which means farming settlers replace farming natives to be the main force of local agricultural devel- opment. In spite of farming settlers' contribution to the agriculture in the suburb area of metropolis, they also bring about a series of recurring problems. In response to the above issues, local government prompted agricultural scale management, hoping to get rid of the trap of governing the grass-roots society. This essay will take the practice of agricultural scale man- agement in the suburb area if Shanghai as typical example, and focus on the analysis of substantial scale management in the field of alimentary crop production and the formalized scale management in the field if economic crop planting. This essay will also explore how to realize the indirect expel and the identity transformation of the farming settlers, and finally achieve the local government' s governing goal. As is shown in the research, the agricultural scale management is beyond pure eco- nomic logic, and it implicates profound meaning about governing, which is substantially different from the pure agricultural area in the mid-west. The latter is an agricultural scale management which is dependent in government' s over-intervention and is based on social governance, exposing crisis of sustainable development. As a result, it is hard to become the future development direction in agriculture of China, let alone has value for popularization.
作者 马流辉
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期47-55,共9页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“土地流转与农民生计模式转变研究”(15CSH041) 中央高校基本科研业务费探索研究基金项目“‘四化同步’背景下新型农业经营主体发展研究”(WE1524306)的阶段性成果
关键词 “土客替代” 异地务农者 规模经营 农业治理 Settlers replace natives Farming settlers Agricultural scale management The governance of agriculture
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