There are ten parts of biao (the records of the big historical events) and eight parts of shu (the cultural development records) in Shift, and eight biao and ten zhi (the same as shu) in Hanshu. But in the Book of the Later Han, there is only biography, no biao and zhi. Liu Zhao in Liang Dynasty divided eight zhi in the Xuhanshu ( another name of the Book of the Later Han) by Si Mabiao in Jin Dynasty into thirty volumes and added them when he explained the Book of the Later Han with notes. In 1022, Song Dynasty, the eight biao became part of the Book of the Later Hart. In Song and Qing Dynasties different biao gave into the Book of the Later Han by many people proves unsatisfactory. What is the reason? How can we make them become our data for the research of the history of the Eastern Han? My paper will explain them.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
the Book of the Later Han
adding biao