

An Analysis of College Students' Job Hunting Strategy Based on Classical Text——Taking Story of Zhuge Liang Going Out of the Thatched Cottage as an Example
摘要 从著名的古典文本中提炼经验和理论,以《三国演义》中诸葛亮出山的文本为例,其对求职的大学生富有借鉴意义。从诸葛亮的求职过程来看,无论是树立志向、勤奋地提升自我,还是宣传自身、面试表现,他的成功做法都可视为求职者的典范经验。这些经验对应于求知者的志向、能力、宣传、心理换位四个方面,从而可被归纳提升为AAPC策略。依据AAPC策略,求职者既要树立明确的职业目标,练就过硬本领,注重沟通能力的提升,也要进行心理换位,瞄准招聘单位所需,以获取招聘单位的青睐。 Extracting experience and theory from classical texts, especially the fanlous classical texts. Taking the story of Zhuge Liang went out of the thatched cottage in Romance Of The Three Kingdoms as an example,it is full of referenced significance to the current college students hunting for jobs. From the perspective of Zhuge Liang's jobsearching process, all his behaviors of setting up the ambition, improving himself diligently, publicity of himeself and interview performance can be regarded as typical experience for job seekers. These experience corresponding to four aspects(ambition,ability,publicity, mental conversion)can be summarized as AAPC.According to AAPC strategies,the job seekers need to set a clear vocational goal,enhance the ability diligently to master excellent skills,pay attention to improve communication skills and think in others' shoes and aim at the recruitment unit's require to get employeer's favour.
作者 张星
机构地区 中南民族大学
出处 《中国大学生就业》 2016年第22期47-52,共6页 China University Students Career Guide
关键词 古典文本 大学生求职 求职策略 Classical texts college students to apply for a job job hunting strategy
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