系统主要由信息采集子系统、信息传输子系统、信息发布子系统三部分组成。系统采用立体式超声波测距模块采集道路交通信息,然后信息通过基于GPRS技术的DTU(Date transmit unit)无线数据通信模块汇总、传输,最后由车载TFT-LCD彩屏液晶显示系统呈现出交通路网信息,供给驾驶员参考。同时,信息实时更新并且结合事先统计的参考评价标准显示出来,使系统信息更加的直观、有效。
The system mainly composed of three parts:information collection subsystem,information transfer subsystem based on GPRS technology,information issue subsystem.The information of road traffi c is be collected by the three-dimensional ultrasonic distance measuring module in information collection subsystem.Then the information is aggregated and transmitted by the DTU wireless communication module which is based on GPRS technology.Finally,the traffi c network information is displayed by the on-board TFT-LCD color display system to the driver for reference.At the same time,the information is updated in real time and combined with the prior statistical reference evaluation standard,so that it is more intuitive and effective.
Electronics World