
低油价下国际石油公司的经营状况及特点 被引量:7

Operational Performance and Features of International Oil Companies in Low Oil Price Era
摘要 在低油价下,以埃克森美孚、BP、壳牌、雪佛龙及康菲为代表的国际一流油公司经营业绩大幅下滑,2015年经营收入同比减少超过1/3、利润降幅超过80%。面对经营困境,国外油公司一方面大幅压减投资、严控成本、压缩用工规模、剥离非核心资产和强化HSE管理,实现了投资规模、成本水平、用工数量、资产规模及安全事故"五下降";另一方面,着力提高单井产量、保持上游投入和研发费用占比稳定、大幅计提资产减值,使油气产量、上游投资比重、研发投入强度和资产减值呈现出"四个稳定或上升"。这些在一定程度上体现出国际一流油公司应对低油价的政策措施。国内企业可以参照国际油公司的做法,加大对勘探投入和研发费用的倾斜力度,以寻求经济可采储量为目标持续加强勘探工作,变低油价寒冬期为孕育勘探突破的机遇期;大力推进市场化机制建设,进一步明确油田和石油工程公司的市场化运营关系,赋予油田分公司市场化选择施工队伍的权限,为降低勘探开发成本和提高运营效率创造有利条件;同时要积极探索合资合作等资本运营模式,挖掘存量资源潜力。 Due to sustained low oil prices ,world-leading oil companies such as ExxonMobil,BP,Shell,Chevron and ConocoPhillips have all experienced dramatic declines in operating results.Their operating revenue in 2015 fell more than 1/3 year on year and profit dropped more than 80%.In the face of this business difficulty,in- ternational oil companies have reduced the sizes of their operations in five areas (scale of investment ,cost level, employee number,asset size and safety accidents) by slashing ducing the sizes of their workforce ,stripping non-core assets investment, strengthening their control of cost, re- and stepping up HSE management.On the other hand ,they have also made effort to increase single-well production,stabilized the sizes of investment in the upstream sector and percentage of expenses on research and development and strengthened the provisions for impairment of assets to stabilize or increase oil and gas production,the percentage of investment in the up- stream sector,intensity of investment in research and development activities and provisions for impairment of assets.These,to a degree,reflect the policies and measures world-leading oil companies have adopted in the face of low oil prices.Domestic oil companies can learn from international oil companies to strengthen their investment in exploration and research and development activities and keep strengthening oil and gas explo- ration with the aim of seeking economically recoverable reserves ,and change the low-price severe winter peri- od to a period of opportunity breeding exploration breakthroughs.They should also make strides in building a market-style corporate system to clearly define the relationship between an oilfield and an oil engineering company in the market and authorize oilfield sub companies to select construction teams based on market factors to create favorable conditions for cutting exploration and development cost and increasing operational efficiency.They should also move to explore new modes of operating capital,including joint-venture or collab- orative partnerships to tap the potential of unused resources.
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2016年第11期9-13,共5页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 低油价 国际油公司 压减投资 严控成本 研发投入强度 资产减值 low oil price international oil company reduce investment strictly control cost intensity of invest-ment in research and development activities provision for impairment of assets
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