'Une belle matinée'( 'A Lovely Morning') was a short story Marguerite Yourcenar wrote in her last years. Set in Amsterdam in the 17 th century,it tells the story of Lazare( Lazarus),a boy of the street. Having discovered Shakespeare's dramatic world,he became engrossed with the theatre and decided to run away with an English troupe of actors. The night before his leaving,Lazare experienced in his dream the stages of men's and women's lives that he was to impersonate as an actor. His dream is a variation upon the theme that 'all the world's a stage',as is celebrated in Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It. This article analyses the influence of Shakespeare's works on Lazare's upbringing,as well as the significance of Lazare's dream. In this well-crafted variation upon a famous Shakespearean play,Yourcenar not only pays homage to the Bard but also conveys her vision of the human life,the world and literature.
Foreign Literatures