
天津市2006—2013年学生肺结核发病情况及流行病学特征 被引量:11

Incidence and epidemiologic feature of pulmonary tuberculosis among students in Tianjin,2006-2013
摘要 目的了解天津市学生人群肺结核发病情况及特征,为学校结核病防治提供依据。方法对天津市2006—2013年结核专报网中的学生肺结核患者资料进行描述性研究,采用SAS 9.13软件进行统计分析。结果2006—2013年,天津市报告学生活动性肺结核及涂阳肺结核例数分别占总报告数的8.45%(2 676/31 662)和5.19%(604/11 645),所占比例的趋势无统计学意义(P=0.65,P=0.50);报告发病率分别为21.00/10万和4.74/10万,趋势检验无统计学意义(P=0.31,P=0.31)。学生患者年龄中位数19岁(17,21),以大学和高中学生为主,分别占54.52%(1 459/2 676)和28.74%(769/2 676);男女比例为1.51:1;患者来源以因症就诊和转诊为主,分别占24.96%(668/2 676)和56.95%(1 524/2 676),健康检查占16.33%(437/2 676);病人发现的高峰为4月和10月。临床特征上,学生患者涂阳比例、复治比例、胸片空洞比例和合并症比例均低于非学生人群(均P<0.01),但合并其他结核与非学生人群差异无统计学意义(P=0.87)。结论高中和大学学生是天津市学校结核病防治的重点人群,需继续做好学生人群的健康体检和学校医务室的转诊、推荐工作。 Objective To examine incidence and epidemiologic feature of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) among students in Tianjin city, and to provide evidences for TB control in schools. Methods Data on student TB cases reported in Tianjin municipality (Tianjin) during 2006 to 2013 were extracted from TB registration system and analyzed with de- scriptive epidemiologic methods using SAS 9.13. Results Totally 2 676 active and 604 sputum smear positive student TB cases were reported,accounting for 8.45% and 5.19% of all active and sputum smear positive TB cases reported in Tianjin during the period and no significantly yearly change in the ratios of the student TB cases was observed (P = 0. 39 and P =0. 76). The average annual reported incidences were 21.00/100 000 and 4. 74/100 000 for active and sputum smear positive TB among the students in Tianjin and the incidences did not changed significantly among the years during the period (P = 0. 31 and P = 0. 31 ). The age at the time of the report for the student ranged 17 -21 years, with a median age of 19. More than a half of the student TB cases were college students (54. 52% ) ,followed by high school students 28.74% (28.74%) . The male to female ratio of the student TB cases was 1.51 : 1. The proportions of the student TB cases identified via referral,clinic visit due to symptoms,and health examination were 56. 95% ,24.96% ,and 16. 33%, respectively, and more cases were reported during April to October of a year. Among the student TB cases, the ratios of sputum smear positive, retreatment, manifestation of pulmonary cavity in chest X-ray were significantly lower than those among non student TB cases (P 〈 0. 01 for all). Conclusion College and high school students are the priority popula- tions of TB control in Tianjin. Health examination, referral and recommendation of TB suspects via infirmary in schools should be enhanced.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期1531-1534,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 天津市卫生局科技基金(2015KY19)
关键词 学校 肺结核 流行病学 school pulmonary tuberculosis epidemiology
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