以往研究表明,工作记忆能力高的个体在自我控制方面也表现得更好,通过考察工作记忆广度(working memory span,WMS)与自我损耗的关系,有助于揭示这种现象的内在机制。66名被试随机分为损耗组和控制组,采用自动化操作广度测验测量WMS。双任务实验中,任务一为情绪抑制任务,任务二为Stroop任务。结果发现,损耗组的Stroop效应明显高于控制组。进一步分析显示,损耗组中高WMS被试的自我损耗效应要强于低WMS被试,此结果表明:高WMS个体在自我控制任务中表现得更好并不是因为固有的自我控制能量水平更高,而是因为他们倾向于在自我控制过程中投入更多能量。
Previous studies have shown a positive relation between self-control and working memory capacity (WMC) , we investigated whether self-control depletion would vary with individual differences in WMC. Sixty-six under-graduates (49 female; age 20.94±0.99) were recruited for this study. Participants first completed an automated op-eration span task ( AOSPAN) to assess their WMC, then were randomly assigned to depleted or non-depleted condition. After that, participants completed an 84-trial Stroop test to assess depletion. To test whether WMC moderated depletion, a hierarchical linear regression was conducted with Stroop interference effect as the DV, GROUP and WMC score as IVs in the first step, and the GROUP xWMC interaction as an IV in the second step. The GROUPxWMC interaction was significant (β=0.50, p=0.002) , which means that higher WMC was as-sociated with greater depletion. These results might suggest that WMC are not an index of the amount of self-control resources a person has, rather than his or her tendency to consume them.
Studies of Psychology and Behavior