为了给科技论文著者和编辑在选择国家标准GB 3102.11—1993《物理科学和技术中使用的数学符号》中偏导数的诸多符号与读法时提供参考,针对标准中关于偏导数符号与读法的规定,根据数学逻辑与数理统计,对偏导数各种符号与读法的适用性进行分析,并提出几点商榷。分析表明:在偏导数的5种符号f/x、f/x、_xf、fx、(f/x)_y中,首选f/x为宜,其次是fx;而在"偏导数"、"偏微商"这2种读法中,首选"偏导数"为宜;研究结果从高等数学专业的角度指出了标准中偏导数诸多符号与读法的适用性,为科技论文撰写与编辑中偏导数诸多符号与读法的选择提供了依据。
To provide references for authors and editors of scientific and technology papers in choosing several symbols and pronunciations of the partial derivative in national standard of GB3102.11-1993, Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology, in view of the rules on symbols and pronunciations of the partial derivative in the standard, applicabilities of various symbols and pronunciations of the partial derivative are analyzed and a few points are put forward to discuss according to mathematical logic and statistics. It is suggested that the symbol (■f)/(■x) is preferred in five kinds of symbols of the partial derivative, which are (■f)/(■x)、(■f)/(■x)、■xf、fx、(■f/■x)y .In the two pronunciations of "partial derivatives" and "partial differentiation", "partial derivatives" is preferred. The results point out the applicability of several symbols and pronunciations of the partial derivative in the standard from the professional point view of higher mathematics, which provides scientific basis for selection of symbols and pronunciations of the partial derivative in writing and editing process of scientific and technology papers.
Standard Science