
外施GA、MeJA、IAA、SA和KT对番茄表皮毛发生的作用 被引量:11

Effects of Exogenous GA,MeJA,IAA,SA and KT on Trichome Formation in Tomato
摘要 以番茄品种‘大量5号’和多茸毛突变品系‘3-071’为试材,通过喷施外源GA、MeJA、IAA、SA、KT处理幼苗,每3d 1次,取样进行内源激素测定和体视显微镜观察,研究不同植物生长调节剂及不同浓度对番茄表皮毛密度及类型的影响。结果表明,喷施各浓度梯度GA、MeJA和IAA均提高了两种番茄内源GA、MeJA、IAA含量,降低了SA、KT含量,同时番茄表皮毛Ⅳ、Ⅵ型显著增加。其中0.350 mg·L^(-1) GA、0.020 mg·L^(-1) Me JA处理对Ⅳ型表皮毛促进效果最显著;35.000 mg·L^(-1) GA、0.200mg·L^(-1) Me JA处理对Ⅵ型表皮毛促进效果最显著。各浓度IAA对两种番茄品种Ⅳ、Ⅵ型表皮毛发生均有显著的促进作用。外源KT促进内源SA、KT合成,抑制GA、MeJA、IAA的合成,对Ⅰ、Ⅳ型表皮毛发生有极显著的促进作用,对Ⅵ型表皮毛的发生有抑制作用,其中21.300 mg·L^(-1) KT对两种番茄对Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ型表皮毛作用效果最显著。外源SA降低内源GA、MeJA、IAA含量,提高内源SA、KT含量。喷施SA对番茄Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ型表皮毛发生有显著抑制作用,其中1.500 mg·L^(-1) SA处理抑制作用最显著。据此推测,外源植物生长调节剂通过影响各内源激素的含量,从而调控番茄表皮毛发生。 Tomato 'Daliang 5' and hairy mutant strain '3-071' with high density oftrichome were used as experimental materials to investigate the relationship among exogenous GA, MeJA, IAA, SA and KT and the levels of endogenous hormones as well as the density of different types of trichome. Exogenous hormones were sprayed once 3 days. Leaves were sampled for measuring endogenous hormone levels and observing characteristics of trichomes under microscopy. The results showed that exogenous GA, MeJA and IAA in both varieties of tomato enhanced the levels of endogenous GA, MeJA and IAA,but reduced the levels of endogenous SA and KT in tomato. Exogenous GA, MeJA and IAA also increased the number of trichomes types IV, Ⅵ trichomes. The densities of trichomes types Ⅳ has most significant effect was presented for the 0.350 mg · L-1 GA, 0.200 mg· L-1 MeJA treatment comparing with the control. The densities of trichomes types Ⅵ has most significant effect was presented for the 35.000 mg · L-1 GA, 0.200 mg · L-1 MeJA treatment comparing with the control. The densities of trichomes types Ⅳ, Ⅵ in both varieties of tomato has significant effect in gradient of concentration IAA. In addition, exogenous KT enhanced the levels of endogenous SA and KT, whereas reduced the levels of endogenous GA, MeJA and IAA in tomato. Exogenous SA (0.015, 0.150 and 1.500 mg · L-1) reduced the levels of endogenous GA, MeJA and IAA, but enhanced the levels of endogenous SA and KT in tomato and reduced the densities of trichomes types Ⅰ , Ⅳ, Ⅵ and 1.500 mg · L-1 SA had the most significant effect comparing with control and the other treatments. In conclusion, exogenous hormones could affect the concentration of endogenous hormones so as to regulate trichome formation in tomato.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期2151-2160,共10页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 黑龙江省杰出青年基金项目(JC2015004)
关键词 番茄 表皮毛 激素 tomato trichome hormone
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