
泛东北亚经济贸易合作的动力与前景 被引量:2

Motivation and Prospect in Economy and Trade Cooperation of Pan-Northeast Asia Area
摘要 随着北极航线的开通与"一带一路"战略的实施,东北亚地区的重要性将逐步提升,越来越成为全球经贸往来的心脏地带。结合地缘位置与经济、政治等非地缘因素,该文将东北亚区域的范围进行拓展,形成了泛东北亚的区域范围。界定泛东北亚的概念有利于各国要素的优势互补与区域经济一体化进程的加深,同时对我国制定泛东北亚乃至大北极战略有着指导意义。文章对泛东北亚区域内各国经贸合作的动力进行了定性分析,并指出影响合作的因素,在此基础上分析了未来泛东北亚地区经贸合作的前景,结合各国要素禀赋、政治历史关系、贸易条件等提出未来中国与泛东北亚各国的合作模式,为中国在泛东北亚事务中发挥更加重要的作用提供参考。 As the opening of the Arctic route and the implementation of the "one belt one road", the importance of the North-east Asia will increase gradually and become the heartland of global economy and trade. Combined with geographical location, this article expands the scope of the North-east Asia area and forms the pan-Northeast Asia area. The definition of pan-Northeast Asia area is advantageous to the supplementation of the elements of the country, and it can deepen the process of regional economic integration and has a guiding significance for the development of the pan-Northeast Asia and the Arc- tic strategy. This article qualitatively analyses the economic and trade cooperative motivation of coun- tries in the pan-Northeast Asia area, points out the factors that affecting the cooperation and analyses the prospect of economy and trade cooperation in the future. Finally, combined with the factor endow- ment, political historical relation and trade condition, the future cooperation mode of China and the pan-Northeast Asian countries is put forward, which provides reference for China to play a more im- portant role in the pan-Northeast Asian affairs.
出处 《通化师范学院学报》 2016年第11期67-75,共9页 Journal of Tonghua Normal University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"中国北极航线战略与海洋强国建设研究"(13&ZD170) 2013年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目"面向北极航线的世界海运网络格局演变研究"(NCET-13-0701) 国家自然科学基金项目"北极权益博弈复杂网络格局演变的能量地形模型仿真研究"(61174166)
关键词 泛东北亚 经贸合作 动力 前景 pan-Northeast Asia economy and trade cooperation motivation prospect
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