Objective The purpose of this study was to analyze the affecting factors on fracture of MTWO nickel-titanium rotary instrument in root canal preparation in clinic. Methods A total of 350 patients who underwent root canal therapy were selected from our general dentistry clinic between September 2013 and September 2014. MTWO rotary instrument was used to achieve root canal preparation, and the number and size of fracture instruments, the position of treated tooth and the number of roots prepared were recorded. The data was analyzed by SPSS 19.0 and Fault Tree Analysis. Results The main affecting factors for fractures were equip- ment type, tooth position and frequency of use. Statistical analysis indicated that 10# and 20# were more likely to fracture than other sizes. Vast majority of instrument fracture occurred in molar root canals. The fracture rate was significantly increased after the number of prepared canal exceeded 20 times. Conclusion From this study, we concluded that MTWO rotary instrument was more likely to fracture when preparing molar canals, and instruments of particular size ( 10#, 20#) with higher fracture rate should be used with great care in clinic. The using times of each MTWO file should be less than 20 in consideration of safety.
Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices
Nickel-titanium alloy Instrument fracture Root canal preparation