
突发事件中时间压力和情绪调节对框架效应的影响 被引量:1

Effects of both time pressure and emotion regulation strategy on framework effect in emergencies
摘要 为防止决策者在突发事件决策中受时间约束而作出盲目决策,需要采用情绪调节策略作出有效的应急决策。通过分析心理学和行为决策中关于时间压力、情绪调节策略和框架效应的相关研究,结合突发事件背景下决策者的内心体验,提出相关假设,并采用对照试验来考察时间压力和情绪调节策略(认知重评和表达抑制)对决策者框架效应的影响。试验证实:高强度时间压力更容易诱发框架效应,且情绪调节策略使用后框架效应明显减弱;使用认知重评策略的决策者倾向于风险规避,而使用表达抑制策略的则倾向于风险喜好;认知重评策略比表达抑制策略更容易减弱决策者的框架效应。 In order to avoid a blind decision in an emergency because of time constraints and an irrational analysis, the decision makers require emotion regulation strategy helping to make valuale emergency decisiens. Through analysis of research on the psychology and behavior decision-making about time pressure, emotion regulation strategy and framing effect, assumptions were put forward combined with the inner experiences of decision makers in different backgrounds. In the meantime, the methods of psychological control experiment and questionnaire survey for validation were used. In the experiments, effects of time pressure, and emotion regulation strategy on the policymakers framing effect were examined. The experiments show that high strength time pressure is more likely to induce a framing effect, that the framing effect will be decreased significantly after the emotion adjustment strategy usage, that the decision maker using a cognitive reappraisal strategy tends to avoid risks, but the maker using expressive inhibition strategy tends to prefer risk, and that cognitive reappraisal strategy is more effective than expression suppression in abating the framework effect of decision makers.
作者 雷婷 杨乃定
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期163-168,共6页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(71171162) 宁夏哲学社会科学规划年度项目(15NXBMZ01) 北方民族大学一般科研项目(GLXY201603) 国家民委人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(MWJD201602)
关键词 突发事件 时间压力 情绪调节策略 风险偏好 框架效应 emergency time pressure emotion regulation strategies framework effect risk preference
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