Under the new tuen ore - 448m 2 # coal outburst danger, for coal mining under - 448 m2 # seam, new tuen ore mining proteetive layer using regional outburst prevention measures, namely the elimination of 2 # 4 #coal seam layer mining coal outburst danger. 14471 wild given mining is the new tuen ore - 600 level the first protective layer mining working face, revealed a large number of geological structure, tile surface of the process of f3 fault H = 4.3 m large effects on the working face advancing. In order to speed up the working face impelling speed, according to the working eonditions, puts forward a fault across the horizon, the mining method along the fault footwall to the mining of coal seam faults on the plate of shale, one is to avoid working face appeared low bend over layer of the valve, reduce the accident of the valve face, reduce the cost of the me- chanical and electrical equipment maintenance, overhaul, 2 it is direct shale, coal winning machine to reduce artificial drilling and blasting processing fault workload, speed up the working face impelling speed.
Inner Mongolia Coal Economy
Crossing over fault
Across the horizon of mining
Roof control