自1839年英国传教士Benjamin Hobson(合信)将现代牙科技术和理念传入中国至今,中国牙及牙槽外科发展大致可以分为"一停两快三慢"6个发展阶段。1911—1936年,多所牙医学校相继建立,与牙及牙槽外科有关的牙科杂志创刊,是第1个快速发展阶段。1937—1949年,8年抗战继而4年的解放战争,使得刚刚步入快速发展轨道的中国牙槽外科被迫慢了下来。1950—1960年,多部牙及牙槽外科专著问世,相关手术方法得以革新,是第2个快速发展阶段。1961—1978年,由于我国整个科学技术领域与国际缺乏交流,导致整个科研技术水平与国际水平的差距逐渐增大,牙槽外科的发展也基本处于停滞不前阶段,甚至还有倒退迹象。1979—2004年,牙槽外科作为口腔颌面外科的一个分支,并没有形成独立的科室,并且研究主要集中在颌面外科,导致我国颌面外科的研究技术达到国际先进水平,而牙槽外科的发展则相对缓慢。2005年以后,独立的牙槽外科临床分支建立,牙槽外科学组成立,中国牙及牙槽外科,无论是在临床技术、临床研究还是基础研究方面,均取得了飞速的发展与进步,是我国牙及牙槽外科发展最快的一个阶段。
Benjamin Hobson, a British missionary, brought modern dental technologies and ideas into China in 1839. Since then, the development of dentoalveolar surgery in China can be divided into 6 stages, including 1 stop stage, 2 rapidly developing stages and 3 slowly developing stages. From 1911 to 1936, various dental schools were established, and different journals related to dentoalveolar surgery were founded. This was the first rapidly developing stage. From 1937 to 1949, the rapid development of dentoalveolar surgery in China was forced to slow down by 12 years of war. From 1950 to 1960, a number of monographs on dentoalveolar surgery were published, while related surgical methods were innovated. This was the second rapidly developing stage. From 1961 to 1978, lack of international communication led to big gap between the level of China's scientific research and the international one. The development of dentoalveolar surgery in China was at a stage of stagnation and even backward. From 1979 to 2004, dentoalveolar surgery became a branch of oral and maxillofacial surgery, without a separated, specialized department, and most researches focused on maxillofacial surgery; as a result, dentoalveolar surgery was relatively backward. After 2005, Department of Dentoalveolar Surgery was separated from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the major dental schools, with specialists concerning primarily on dentoalveolar surgery. Dentoalveolar Surgery Group was established. No matter in clinical technology, or in clinical research and basic research, dentoalveolar surgery in China has made rapid development and progress. This is the fastest developing stage.
China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Dentoalveolar surgery
Tooth transplantation
Tooth re-implantation
Pre-prosthodontic surgery