通过研究不同培养方式对森林草莓种子萌发成苗的影响及不同基因型"Ruegen"(RE)和"Yellow Wonder"(YW)、不同外植体类型对离体再生频率的影响;另以八倍体凤梨草莓优系及2个凤梨草莓杂交组合种子建立试管苗无性系为试材,同等培养条件下进行叶片离体再生,比较离体再生能力,以筛选离体再生能力高于"全明星"的基因型,优化草莓离体再生体系。结果表明,在相同的水培条件下,RE发芽率高于YW,但两者后期成苗速度和成苗质量均差异不显著。叶片的离体再生效率和再生芽数显著高于叶柄。两种基因型RE和YW在相同类型外植体上,其再生效率差异不显著。筛选出5个11-3-2、11-4-2、YA-1、SB-8和SB-9等5个凤梨草莓基因型的再生能力比均显著高于离体再生能力高的基因型"全明星"品种,且叶片正面接触培养基的外植体不定芽再生率和平均再生芽数均高于背面接触培养基的外植体。
Fragaria vesca was used as test materials in this study, the effect of the different culture methods on seeds germination and different geno types' Ruegen' (RE) and' Yellow Wonder' (YW) and different types of explants on in vitro regeneration rates were researched. And in order to optimize the in vitro regeneration system of F. × ananassa, the good strains and tube seedling clones of F. × ananassa were used as test materials too, in vitro regeneration rate of leaf was studied under the same culture conditions, the genotypes of F.× ananassa with high in vitro regeneration rates were screened finally, and then they were compared to' Allstar'. The genotypes with higher in vitro regeneration rates were screened. The results showed that the order from high to low of seeds germination rates by using different cultivation ways were:sterile water cultivation, solid medium adding no hormone cultivation and solid medium adding hormone cultivation. Germination rates gradually descend along with the increased filter layers. The in vitro adventitious buds regeneration rates were significantly affected by explants types, the regeneration rates and the average numbers of regeneration buds of leaves were higher than the petioles. For the genotype RE, the regeneration rates of adventitious buds of leaves and petioles were 85.0 % and 58.3 % respectively, the average numbers of buds of leaves and petioles were 7.4 and 4.8 respectively. Two genotypes RE and YW had no significant differences in regeneration efficiency. Five genotypes 11-3-2, 11-3-2, YA-1, SB-8 and SB-9 were screened and the in vitro regeneration rates were significantly higher than 'Allstar'. The regeneration rates and the average numbers of adventitious buds of adaxial blades were higher than the abaxial blades.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Fragaria spp.
Seeds germination
in vitro regeneration
System establishment