
纳米能源和环境材料的设计 被引量:1

Nanomaterials Design for Energy and Environment
摘要 纳米技术的发展为在纳米尺度上对材料的光、电、离子传输、化学、机械性能的合理设计提供了机遇。从基本科学原理出发,给出一些具体的实例,讲述了如何设计合适的纳米材料以满足其在高性能的能量存储器件和环境净化中的应用。主要包括:纳米材料在太阳能电池和透明电极中的设计和应用;便携式储能器件和电动汽车用纳米电极材料的设计;纳米材料在生物、水净化和空气净化领域的设计和应用。 The development of nanotechnology in the past two decades has generated great capability of controlling materials at the nanometer scale and has enabled exciting opportunities to design materials with desirable photonic, electronic, ionic, chemical and mechanical properties, which are important for advanced energy conversion and storage and for addressing the environmental issues. Here I will show exciting examples on how we design materials at the nanocale for energy and environ- ment, including nanocone solar cells with advanced photon management and nanowire transparent electrodes; high-energy batteries for portable electronics and electric vehicles; novel environmental technologies such as water desalination batteries, thermal batteries, microbial batteries, water disinfection and air particle filters.
作者 崔屹
出处 《光学与光电技术》 2016年第6期1-4,共4页 Optics & Optoelectronic Technology
关键词 锂离子电池 纳米 硅负极 材料设计 原位电镜 lithium-ion battery nanomaterials silicon anodes materials design in-situ electron microscopy
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