Hegel established his science of logic through his criticism of the common logic of his times, which was unsystematic and obscure, and at the same time, under the constant threat from anthropology. Hegel's attempt to reform the common logic of his times was indeed a real critique despite its difference from the Kantian approach. Hegel pointed out the weakness of the com- mon logic, which was limited by its nature and constrained by its times. However, he also defended the legitimacy and validity of the common logic. He further pointed out the incompleteness of the common logic in its nature, for its lack of the real content and form as well as creativity and vitality. Thus, it could not be used to deal with the real subject of rationality. Therefore, it was an imperative mission for philosophy to move away from the common logic in order to establish the science of logic.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition