GPS车辆定位监控系统是将GPS全球卫星定位系统、GIS地理信息系统和GSM短信服务系统相结合的一套综合的定位、监控、调度指挥系统。这样的系统可以增强突发事件的反应能力 ,提高车辆运行率和运车安全度 ,实现移动车辆与指挥监控中心之间的交互。安装在车辆上的移动车载台可实时通过GPS系统确定自身的位置信息 ,车辆定位信息通过GSM以短信息形式传送到监控中心 ,并显示在电子地图上 ,而GSM又可将指挥中心的命令传送到车辆上。论述了一个具体系统的设计与实现 ,该系统具有人机界面友好 ,稳定可靠 。
GPS is a synthesis positioning, monitoring, scheduling system, integrating GPS global positioning system, GIS geography information system, GSM short information service system all together. It can enhance ability of responding to unexpected events, improve vehicle speed and safety, and implement interaction between the moving vehicles and the schedule center. The moving set installed on vehicles locate themselves by GPS. Vehicles' orientation information can be transferred to the monitoring center in the short information service manner, and be displayed in the electronic map. GSM also can transmit orders issued by monitoring center to vehicles. The design and implementation of a concrete system was introduced. This system has friendly interface and flexibility.
Journal of Petrochemical Universities