
新媒体境遇下提升我国主流意识形态传播力的研究 被引量:19

Dilemma and Transcendence:Enhancing the Propagation of Mainstream Ideology through New Media
摘要 新媒体带来社会传播形态的深刻变革,直接影响主流意识形态传播的效果。根据时代变迁和党的中心任务的变化,主流意识形态呈现出不同的话语体系和传播形态。这需要从困境与超越的双重维度中系统分析新媒体发展与主流意识形态传播的耦合、新媒体条件下主流意识形态传播的现实挑战、主流意识形态传播力的指征及应然状态。面对新媒体"双刃剑"效应,主流意识形态要主动转型,提升传播力,主要有五大路径:塑造专业的传播主体、构建生活化的传播内容、发挥全面立体的传播功能、采取大众化的传播话语、提升传播受众的认同度。 The emergence of new media has brought about profound changes in public communication,which has a direct impact on the propagation of mainstream ideology. At the same time,in agreement with the changes of the times and the central task of the Communist Party of China,the mainstream ideology will acquire different discourse systems and be publicized in different forms. The propagation of the mainstream ideology is faced with unprecedented opportunity as well as difficulty in this age of new media. In the light of this,we have to give a systematic analysis to such issues as how to make the propagation of mainstream ideology dovetail with the development of new media,how to meet the actual challenges facing the propagation of mainstream ideology in the context of new media and how to understand the indicators and should-be status of the propagation of mainstream ideology. Facing the double-edged sword effect produced by new media,we have to actively transform the dissemination of mainstream ideology and enhance its propagation effect. This can be achieved through the following five approaches:to build a professional force of propagation;to construct ideological products closely related to people's daily life;to fully harness the power of new media;to talk about the ideology in a language people are familiar with;and to promote the audience's affinity with what is propagated.
作者 邢晓红
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期11-18,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"习近平总书记意识形态建设系列重要讲话的理论贡献和实践要求研究"(15ZDA002) 国家社科基金一般项目"后现代语境下思想政治教育的转型与超越研究"(15BKS124) 中宣部文化名家暨"四个一批"人才工程资助项目 中国博士后科学基金项目(第58批)"新媒体条件下思想政治教育现代转型研究"(2015M580447) 江苏高校社科基金项目"马克思人性论视角下思想政治教育的现代性困境及其路径选择"(2015SJD209) 江苏省"青蓝工程"科技创新团队的研究成果
关键词 主流意识形态 新媒体 传播力 mainstream ideology new media propagation effect
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