谷歌数字图书馆计划自发布之日起,就引来无数关注和期待。但其建设之路可谓命途多舛,风雨兼程。经过12年磨砺和发展,它终将迎来了涅重生的蜕变,让理想照进现实。2015年10月16日,Google Library终审落下帷幕,美国最高法院裁定谷歌图书扫描项目合法系正当使用,这是Google Library发展历程中的重大转折,也为长达10年的版权之争画上了休止符。本文以合法判决为契机,对其两轮庭审展开判例研究,探索Google Library对于我国数字图书馆建设的理论指导和借鉴意义。
Google Library Program from the date of publication,would attract numerous concerns and expectations. But the construction of the road can be described as drawn the short straw,trials and hardships. After 12 years of development and sharpen,it will eventually usher in the rebirth Nirvana transformation and make it into reality. October 16,2015,Google Library of Final Appeal concluded,the US Supreme Court ruled that Google Library legal system fair use,which is a major turning point in the history of Google Library,but also for copyright dispute a decade of painting laid to rest. In this paper,the US Supreme Court of Final Appeal Google legitimate opportunity to start the trial on the Google Library two case studies,attempted to explore its theoretical guidance for Chinese Digital Library Construction and Significance.
Journal of Modern Information