
论嗓外针刺治疗痉挛性发声障碍之嗓病 被引量:2

Discussion on acupuncture external therapy thoughts and methods in treating throat disease caused by spasmodic dysphonia
摘要 痉挛性发声障碍是一种少见且病因不明的疾病,西医治法存在痛苦大、疗效不确定及复发等问题。中医病因病机侧重于情志伤肝与脏腑功能变化及外邪所伤。经络与嗓部的密切联系既说明喉部疾病治疗的复杂性和难治性,又是嗓外治疗的重要理论基础。中医治疗以疏肝解郁为重、益肾润肺为要、健脾化痰为助、宣通咽喉为佐,针刺首选肝心经穴位,次取肺肾经、阳明、太阴经,辅以任督冲脉。只要辨治准确,中医针灸嗓外治疗可以取得很好疗效。 Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare and unexplained disease. There are certain shortcomings in western medicine treatments such as painful, uncertain efficacy and relapse. The traditional Chinese medicine etiology and pathogenesis of this disease focus on depressed anger damaging the liver, changes in viscera functions, and exogenous pathogenic factors. The close correlation between meridian and throat not only points out the complexity of the treatment of laryngeal disease and refractory, but also shows that this is the important theoretical basis of extra-acoustic treatment. The most import TCM treatment for this disease is dispersing stagnated liver qi for relieving qi stagnation, and followed by invigorating kidney qi and moistening lung, invigorating spleen for eliminating phlegm, dispersing throat. The liver and heart meridian points were the first choice of acupuncture treatment followed by points on kidney channels of foot-shaoyin, Yangming channel, Ren channel, Du channel, and Chong channel, which can achieve a good clinical effect.
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期5075-5077,共3页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 中国中医科学院针灸研究所自主选题研究项目(No.Zzkf07001)~~
关键词 痉挛性发声障碍 失音 针灸 Spasmodic dysphonia Aphonia Acupuncture
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