
大豆品质调控基因克隆和功能研究进展 被引量:9

Recent Advances in Identification and Functional Analysis of Genes Responsible for Soybean Nutritional Quality
摘要 大豆(Glycine max L.)是世界上重要的经济作物,为人类生活提供所需的食用油和植物蛋白。大豆油脂、蛋白质和异黄酮含量决定了大豆的经济价值,大豆品质的优劣直接关系到食用者的身体健康,因此,越来越受到广大科研工作者的关注。大豆油脂脂肪酸组成对油的营养价值、耐储性及加工工艺等都有很大影响。油脂的组成和积累受脂肪酸合成途径中多种酶活性的影响,这些基因的表达还受到转录前、转录和转录后水平的调控,有许多相关基因参与此过程。目前大豆油脂的转录调控研究较多。研究表明,GmDOF4和GmDOF11类转录因子可以激活乙酰辅酶A羧化酶和长链脂酰辅酶A合成酶,从而提高了种子油分含量。转录因子GmMYB73可以通过抑制GL2进而促进磷脂酶D的活性,增加了转基因种子的油含量。转录因子GmbZIP123主要通过诱导蔗糖转运蛋白基因(AtSUC1、AtSUC5)和细胞壁转化酶基因(AtcwINV1、AtcwINV3和AtcwINV6)的表达,促进蔗糖从叶片到种子的运输,为油脂合成提供更多原料和能量,从而提高种子油脂含量。转录因子GmNFYA通过激活WRI及油脂合成相关基因,从而提高了种子油含量。大豆籽粒富含蛋白质,占籽粒干物质的40%左右(31%—55%)。大豆蛋白含有8种人体必需的氨基酸,是一种品质优良的植物性蛋白质,在膳食中可以代替部分动物性蛋白质。植物中油分和蛋白质往往是负相关的,GmDOF4和GmDOF11类转录因子可以提高植物油份含量,但其直接结合CRA1启动子,从而下调储藏蛋白的表达。大豆异黄酮是大豆生长过程中形成次生代谢产物,具有多种生物活性,在动植物体内有着广泛的生理作用。近年来大豆异黄酮已成为大豆最引人注目功能成分之一,也是食品与营养学研究热点之一。类黄酮类物质可能通过调节结节的产生从而调控植物的根瘤发育、生长繁殖和固氮作用。大豆异黄酮对乳腺癌、前列腺癌、心血管疾病和骨质疏松症的治疗也表现出其他一些有益的效应。目前研究表明,GmMYB176可以调控CHS8的表达,而干扰GmMYB176的表达降低了大豆根毛中异黄酮的水平,这表明GmMYB176对于异黄酮的生物合成是必需的。本文综述了大豆种子油分、蛋白以及异黄酮含量相关基因的研究进展,并对大豆种子油分、蛋白及异黄酮在转录水平和/或其他方面所受到的调控进行阐述。 Soybean is one of the most important cash crops and provides edible oil and vegetable proteins for human beings. The study of soybean is recently focused by researchers, breeders and public people, because its value is mainly determined by the content of oil, protein and isoflavones and the quality of soybean is directly related to the health of the human body. The profile of fatty acids in soybean oil has a great influence on the nutritional value, storage and processing technology. And the profile and accumulation of soybean oil was determined by activity of oil-biosynthesis-related genes, which regulated by many genes at pre-transcriptional, transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Recent study reveals that GmDof4 and GmDof11 were found to increase the content of total fatty acids and lipids in GmDof4 and GmDof11 transgenic Arabidopsis seeds, which activated the acetyl Co A carboxylase gene and long-chain-acyl Co A synthetase gene. GmMYB73 overexpression enhanced lipid contents in both seeds and leaves of transgenic Arabidopsis plants by promoting PLDα1 expression whose promoter can be bound and inhibited by GL2. The GmbZIP123 transgene promoted expression of two sucrose transporter genes(SUC1 and SUC5) and three cell-wall invertase genes(cwINV1, cwINV3, and cwINV6) by binding directly to the promoters of these genes, and increased seed oil-content. And Gm NFYA promoted master regulator WRI and oil-biosynthesis-related genes to increase seed oil-content. Soybean protein contains 8 kinds of essential amino acids, and is a kind of excellent quality of vegetable protein which can replace some animal protein in the diet. The accumulation of plant oil and protein is often negatively related. GmDof4 and DmDof11 down-regulated the storage protein gene, CRA1, through direct binding promoter although GmDof4 and GmDof11 enhanced seed oil-content. Soybean isoflavones are secondary metabolites formed during the growth of soybean, which have a wide range of biological activities and physiological functions in animals and plants. In recent years, soybean isoflavones have become one of the most attractive functional components, and are also one of the hot spots in food and nutrition research. Flavonoids may regulate the development, growth, propagation and nitrogen fixation of plants by regulating the production of nodules. Beneficial effects of soybean isoflavones are shown in the treatment of breast cancer, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. GmMYB176 can regulate the expression of CHS8, and the interference of GmMYB176 expression decreased the soybean isoflavones levels in hair, indicating that GmMYB176 is essential for isoflavones biosynthesis. This review summarized the recent progresses in the gene cloning and regulation of soybean oil, storage protein and isoflavones accumulation. Other relevant advances and prospects were also compared and discussed. This review may give the current status of the studies on the regulatory mechanisms of soybean nutritional quality.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第22期4299-4309,共11页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 转基因专项(2016ZX08009-003-004 2014ZX0900926B)
关键词 大豆 油分 种子蛋白 异黄酮 soybean oil seed storage protein isoflavones
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