
上古名医僦贷季和俞跗与《黄帝内经》思想源头 被引量:3

Immemorial Famous Doctors JIU Daiji and Yu Fu and the Early Ideological Source of Huang Di Nei Jing
摘要 中国最早史书《左传》提及了公元前581年的医缓和公元前531年的医和,《史记》为其后名医扁鹊和仓公编了列传,提到上古名医俞跗。《黄帝内经》记载岐伯、黄帝、鬼臾区、少师、少俞、伯高、雷公等的对话,提到上古发明色脉的僦贷季。因此,有记载的上古名医当属僦贷季与俞跗,历代文献仅有零星记录。以近年古人类学考古、三星堆考古、中国早期文明等为依据,认为僦贷季是来自中近东文明的Judas,俞跗是成都平原的鱼凫。他们是早期中近东文明与华夏文明在成都平原汇聚、碰撞、交融的痕迹,形成《黄帝内经》初期某些思想的源头。 Doctor Yuan (BC 581) and Doctor He (BC 531) were recorded as the earliest doctors in Zuo Zhuan the Chinese oldest historical record. There were some doctors older than them, such as Yu Fu in Shi Ji, and Qi Bo, Huang Di, Gui Yuqu, Shao Shi, Shao Shu, Bo Gao and Lei Gong in Huang Di Nei Jing. However, the authors claimed that Jiu Daiji, who invented the Se Mai was the oldest Doctor. Jiu Daiji and Yu Fu were rarely recorded in the other Chinese literature. According to the last archaeological results of the ancient palaeoanthropology, Sanxingdui Ruin Site and Chinese ancient civilization, Jiu Daiji was considered as Judas from ancient civilization in the Middle East and Yu Fu was the Yu Fu from Sanxingdui, Chengdu Plain. They were the collision trace among the ancient civilization in the Middle East and Chinese civilization, which formed some initial theoretical source of Huang Di Nei Jing.
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2016年第12期79-83,共5页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
基金 2016年澳门基金会资助项目 项目编号:1959/DSDSC/2016
关键词 僦贷季 俞跗 成都平原 三星堆遗址 黄帝内经 上古名医 JIU Daiji, Yu Fu, Chengdu Plain, Sanxingdui Ruin Site, Huang Di Nei Jing, immemorial famous doctor
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