福建省地震重点视防御区城市防震减灾体系工程以中国地震局关于建立健全地震监测预报、震灾预防和紧急救援三大体系为主要目标 ,以国家和福建省确定的地震重点监视防御区为主要目标区 ,尤以切实加强重点监视防御内城市的防震减灾措施 ,强化城市对地震灾害的综合防御能力为主要建设内容。该项目得到中国地震局、福建省委、省政府和有关地市大力支持 ,已列为福建省“十五”重点项目 ,省委。
City earthquake prevention and disaster relief system engineering in important seismic monitoring and preventing regions of Fujian province is on target of seting up 'three large systems' that seismic monitoring prediction,earthquake disaster prevention and meeting emergency as well as to make the determined important seismic monitoring and preventing regions of Fujian province by CSB and Fujian province as major target region,especially to strengthen the measure of earthquake prevention and disaster relief in the region. The item get the support by CSB,Fujian party committee and government as well as the relative regions and cities.It was listed as the important item of Fujian 'tenth five year plan'.
Fujian Seismology
Important seismic monitoring and preventing regions of Fujian province
City earthquake prevention and disaster relief system engineering.