
论汪中重扬汉魏六朝文风 被引量:1

Wang Zhong's Advocating the Literary Style of the Han Dynasty,Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties
摘要 汪中推崇汉魏六朝文风与他对汉魏六朝士风的自觉追寻有密切关系。汪中不仅在性情上与六朝士风有契合之处,而且在文章写作上特别青睐、有意追寻汉魏六朝风韵。汪中文章中的六朝风韵至少有三个表象:生命思索和悲悯意识、自我感伤情绪、重学问根柢和经史情怀。此外,关于汪中"土苴韩欧,以汉、魏、六朝为则"的说法实欠准确,汪中推崇汉魏六朝文风,但并不局限于此,他对唐宋文章的成功之处也有吸收。 That Wang Zhong advocated the literary style of the Hart Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties is closely related to his conscious pursuit of the scholar spirit of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties. Wang Zhong does not only have the common personality with the scholars of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties, but also prefer to imitate the literary style of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties. The literary style of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties in Wang Zhong' s articles can be shown from at least three aspects: life thought and sympathy, self-sentimental mood, emphasis on knowledge foundation and history. In addition, the idea of Wang Zhong "despising Han Yu and Ouyang Xiu and praising the literary style of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties" is not ture. Although he praised the literary style of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties, he also absorbed the success in the articles of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty.
作者 余莉
出处 《武陵学刊》 2016年第6期98-103,共6页 Journal of Wuling
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"清代浙东学派文学思想嬗变研究"(13CZW050)
关键词 汪中 六朝文风 自觉追寻 Wang Zhong the literary style of the Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and the Six Dynasties conscious pursuit
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