Fenugreek seeds extract was examined as a green corrosion inhibitor for Zn in 2.0 mol/L H2SO4 and 2.0 mol/L HClsolutions by mass loss and electrochemical measurements. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images show that the surfacedamage is decreased in the presence of the inhibitor. X-rays photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was performed to identify thecorrosion product, ZnO, and to prove the inhibitor adsorption mechanism. The maximum inhibition efficiency values are 90.7% after1 h and 66.6% after 0.5 h by 200 mL/L of fenugreek extract in H2SO4 and HCl solutions, respectively. Addition of I^- ion greatlyimproves the inhibition efficiency of fenugreek seeds extract for Zn corrosion in HCl due to the synergistic effect. Potentiodynamicpolarization and EIS measurements prove the inhibition ability of fenugreek for Zn corrosion in HCl as indicated by the decreasedcorrosion current density and increased charge transfer resistance values in the presence of fenugreek.
利用葫芦巴种子提取物作为绿色腐蚀抑制剂,采用失重法和电化学方法研究锌在2.0 mol/L硫酸和2.0 mol/L盐酸中的腐蚀行为。扫描电子显微镜结果表明添加抑制剂后,锌的表面腐蚀得到减缓。光电子能谱分析表明腐蚀产物为Zn O,验证了抑制剂的吸收机理。当添加200 m L/L葫芦巴提取物时,在硫酸溶液中腐蚀1 h和盐酸溶液中腐蚀0.5 h可得到最大抑制率,分别为90.7%和66.6%。在HCl溶液中添加I-离子时,由于协同作用可大幅度提高葫芦巴种子提取物对锌腐蚀的抑制率。动电位极化和EIS分析表明葫芦巴种子提取物对锌在盐酸中的腐蚀有抑制作用。添加葫芦巴种子提取物可降低腐蚀电流,增加电荷转移电阻。