
轨道炮发射过程中弹药制导组件强磁环境控制技术 被引量:3

Control Technology of Strong Magnetic Environment for Guidance Package of Guided Ammunitions During Railguns Launching
摘要 电磁轨道炮弹药制导部分是其未来发展的关键技术之一。针对弹药制导组件无法承受过强磁场的问题,采用理论分析和数值仿真方法,对铜导体的电磁感应屏蔽、铁磁材料磁屏蔽以及活动制导组件的控制技术作了磁场分布有限元分析,研究了电磁轨道炮发射过程中弹药制导组件所处磁场环境的抑制方法。结果表明:采用合适隔离与屏蔽方法,制导组件所处环境的磁场可降低4个量级,达到36μT。上述研究工作很大程度上降低了弹药组件环境磁场强度和研发难度,对电磁轨道炮制导弹药研究开发具有一定参考意义。 The guided ammunition of electromagnetic railguns is one of the key technologies for future development. Aiming at the problem that the guided ammunition can not bear a too strong magnetic field,two methods were adopted,namely theory analysis and numerical simulation. The magnetic field distributions of copper shield,ferromagnetic shield,and flexible guided ammunition were analyzed with finite element simulation. A study was made of the methods of how to attenuate the magnetic field around the guided ammunition during launching. The results show that the opened shield chamber can reduce the inside magnetic intensity to four degrees of magnitude,reaching a magnitude of 36 μT. All this work has attenuated the magnetic field and reduced the degree of research difficulty of the guided ammunition to a great extent,which has a great significance to the engineering development of railgun ammunitions.
机构地区 军械工程学院
出处 《火炮发射与控制学报》 北大核心 2016年第4期68-72,共5页 Journal of Gun Launch & Control
关键词 电磁轨道炮 制导弹药 制导组件 强磁环境 磁场屏蔽 electromagnetic railguns guided ammunitions guidance package strong magnetic environment magnetic shield
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