

On the Sustainable Development of the Fuzhou Area of Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone Based on the SWOT Analysis
摘要 中国(福建)自由贸易试验区2014年底获批,带动了福建地区的新一轮发展。依托大陆地区距台湾最近的省会城市这一区位优势,福州自贸区的成立有着特殊的对台经济往来的战略意义。虽然福州地区整体经济发展稍显弱势,并面临诸多方面的挑战,但借国家相关政治经济政策的倾斜,拥有侨台、金融合作、整车进口口岸的优势,作为两岸电子商务试验区、中国服务外包示范城市和21世纪海上丝绸之路核心先行区的福州自贸区不仅可加强海峡两岸的经贸、旅游交往,对内可提升福州的城市建设、切实拉动内需,对外又可辐射至整个东南沿海区域的改革开放与发展。福州自贸区应当充分利用上述优势,应对当下的挑战,走可持续发展之路,实现区域经济转型升级。 The establishment of China(Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone(FTZ) was approved in the end of 2014,and is now leading Fujian to a new round of development.Taking the advantage of being the capital city of Fujian Province closest to Taiwan,the establishment of the Fuzhou area of Fujian FTZ is strategically significant to the economic cooperation between China's Mainland and Taiwan.Despite the relatively slow economic growth and various challenges,Fuzhou FTA enjoys the advantages of favoring political and economic policies,potential Taiwan Residents investors,more financial cooperation opportunities and a port for complete vehicle importing.As a cross-strait e-commerce pilot area,a model city for service outsourcing in China and major pilot area for promoting the 21 st- century Maritime Silk Road,Fuzhou FTA can not only enhance the trade and tourism industry between Mainland and Taiwan,but also promote the development of Fuzhou City,effectively stimulating domestic demand and pushing the reform and openning up of the southeast coastal areas.Fuzhou FTA should make full use of these advantagesto cope with the current challenges,and keep sustainable developmentto achieve the transformation and upgrading of the regional economy.
作者 方璐萍
出处 《福建金融管理干部学院学报》 2016年第2期33-39,共7页 Journal of Fujian Institute of Financial Administrators
关键词 SWOT分析 自由贸易区 区域发展 对台经济 可持续发展 SWOT analysis Free Trade Zone regional development the economic cooperation with Taiwan sustainable development
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